- Can you convert cubic metre into cubic centimeters?
To convert a cubic metre into cubic centimeters, you would need to multiply the number of cubic meters by 1,000,000, as there are 1,000,000 cubic centimeters in a cubic meter.
- The distance between Moscow and Samara is 1049 kilometers.
The word "distance" is a noun, and "kilometers" is a unit of measurement.
- “Biology” is a scientific word, and “science” is a broad term encompassing various fields of study.
In this sentence, "biology" is a specific field of study, while "science" is a general term referring to the overall body of knowledge.
- The teacher tasked one of his pupils with a difficult task.
In this sentence, "tasked" is used as a verb to indicate that the teacher assigned a difficult task to one of his pupils.
- Newton was a great scientist who formulated laws of gravitation.
In this sentence, "scientist" is used to describe Newton's profession and his contribution to the field of science.
- What is the dimensions of this swimming pool? – The swimming pool is twenty-five meters long and two meters deep, and ten meters wide. So, I multiply twenty-five by two and by ten and I get five hundred cubic meters.
In this sentence, "dimensions" refers to the measurements of the swimming pool, and "meters" is used as a unit of measurement to specify the length, depth, and width of the pool.
- The density of ice is more than the density of water as a liquid. But the volume of ice is less than the volume of water at 4 C.
In this sentence, "density" and "volume" are used to compare the physical properties of ice and water.
- Who was the first traveler who reached the south pole?
In this sentence, "south pole" refers to a specific geographical location, and "traveler" is used to describe the person who reached this destination.
- The branch of science that studies stars is astronomy.
In this sentence, "astronomy" is a specific field of science focused on the study of celestial bodies.
- The basic units of the metric system are a meter, a gram, and a liter.
In this sentence, "metric system" refers to a system of measurement based on the meter, gram, and liter as fundamental units.