10 придложений про себя в Past Continuous ( мальчик)

играл в футбол делал домашнее задание читал книгу смотрел телевизор помогал маме гулял с друзьями рисовал картину слушал музыку готовил ужин искал потерянную игрушку

10 придложений про себя в Past Continuous ( мальчик)

задан 7 месяцев назад

3 Ответа


  1. I was playing football with my friends.
  2. I was watching a movie when my mom called me.
  3. I was eating dinner when the phone rang.
  4. I was studying for my exams all night.
  5. I was walking home from school when it started raining.
  6. I was reading a book in the park yesterday.
  7. I was talking to my teacher after class.
  8. I was listening to music while doing my homework.
  9. I was helping my dad fix the car on Saturday.
  10. I was practicing the guitar when my sister interrupted me.

ответил 7 месяцев назад

Конечно, вот 10 предложений о мальчике в Past Continuous:

  1. Yesterday at 5 PM, he was playing soccer with his friends in the park.
  2. Last night, he was doing his homework when the power went out.
  3. At this time last week, he was swimming in the pool with his family.
  4. While his mom was cooking dinner, he was watching his favorite cartoon on TV.
  5. During the summer vacation, he was learning to ride a bicycle.
  6. He was reading a fascinating book when his friend called him.
  7. On Saturday morning, he was helping his dad wash the car.
  8. While it was raining outside, he was drawing pictures in his room.
  9. At the school assembly, he was listening to the principal’s speech.
  10. Yesterday afternoon, he was practicing the piano for his upcoming recital.

Эти предложения описывают действия мальчика, которые происходили в конкретный момент в прошлом и были прерванными или происходили параллельно с другими событиями.

ответил 7 месяцев назад

  1. I was playing football with my friends in the park yesterday.
  2. I was listening to music while doing my homework last night.
  3. I was watching a movie with my family when the power went out.
  4. I was walking my dog in the rain this morning.
  5. I was studying for my English exam all afternoon yesterday.
  6. I was talking to my best friend on the phone when my mom called me for dinner.
  7. I was helping my dad fix the car in the garage last weekend.
  8. I was reading a book in bed before falling asleep last night.
  9. I was cooking dinner for my family when my sister came home from work.
  10. I was cleaning my room when my little brother came in and started playing with my toys.

ответил 7 месяцев назад

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