Конечно! Вот 12 предложений в Past Simple с использованием неправильных глаголов:
- Go - Yesterday, she went to the market to buy some fresh vegetables.
- Eat - He ate an enormous slice of cake at the birthday party last night.
- See - We saw a fantastic movie over the weekend that we thoroughly enjoyed.
- Take - She took her dog for a long walk in the park yesterday afternoon.
- Write - He wrote a heartfelt letter to his grandmother for her birthday.
- Speak - They spoke with the manager about the issues they were facing at work.
- Have - I had a wonderful time at the concert last Friday.
- Begin - The meeting began at 9 a.m. sharp, and everyone was on time.
- Give - She gave him a thoughtful gift for his graduation.
- Know - I knew the answer to the question, but I was too shy to raise my hand.
- Make - He made a delicious pasta dish for dinner last night.
- Come - They came to visit us during the holidays and stayed for a week.
Эти предложения демонстрируют использование неправильных глаголов в прошедшем времени, показывая, как важно запоминать их формы для правильного использования в речи и письме.