Конечно, вот примеры предложений о спорте в настоящем простом времени (Present Simple) и прошедшем простом времени (Past Simple):
Present Simple:
- Many people play soccer every weekend.
- She trains at the gym three times a week.
- The coach organizes practice sessions on Mondays.
- They swim in the local pool during summer.
- Basketball games usually start at 7 p.m.
Past Simple:
- Last year, he won the state tennis championship.
- They played basketball in the park yesterday.
- She joined a new yoga class last month.
- The team practiced hard before the big match.
- We watched an exciting football game last weekend.
Эти предложения демонстрируют использование настоящего простого времени для описания регулярных действий и привычек, а также прошедшего простого времени для описания завершенных действий в прошлом.