ДАЮ 23 БАЛЛА! расставить реплики в диалоге 1. Do you fancy eating soup? 2. I am hungry. I would like...

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ДАЮ 23 БАЛЛА! расставить реплики в диалоге

  1. Do you fancy eating soup?
  2. I am hungry. I would like to go somewhere to have a snack.
  3. Yes, let's go there. The prices are resonable and the choice of dishes is very nice.
  4. Then I'll take the same. Will you order a bottle of fizzy mineral water for both of us?
  5. Fish and potatoes, I think.
  6. I'd like to mushroom soup. What about you?
  7. Not me. I want meat salad.
  8. As for me, I prefer beef with green vegetables.
  9. What would you like to drink?
  10. As a matter of fact, I haven't had anything to eat since breakfast. We may go to the cafe.
  11. What about the main course? Would you like meat of fish?
  12. Yes, of course. So, one meat salad, one mushroom soup, beef with vegetables , fish and potatoes, and a bottle of mineral water. That's all, I think. Let's make the order.

задан 3 месяца назад

2 Ответа


Для того чтобы расставить реплики в правильном порядке, нужно понять последовательность диалога и логически связать каждую реплику с предыдущей. Вот один из возможных вариантов упорядоченного диалога:

  1. I am hungry. I would like to go somewhere to have a snack.

  2. As a matter of fact, I haven't had anything to eat since breakfast. We may go to the cafe.

  3. Yes, let's go there. The prices are reasonable and the choice of dishes is very nice.

  4. Do you fancy eating soup?

  5. I'd like the mushroom soup. What about you?

  6. Not me. I want meat salad.

  7. What about the main course? Would you like meat or fish?

  8. Fish and potatoes, I think.

  9. As for me, I prefer beef with green vegetables.

  10. What would you like to drink?

  11. Then I'll take the same. Will you order a bottle of fizzy mineral water for both of us?

  12. Yes, of course. So, one meat salad, one mushroom soup, beef with vegetables, fish and potatoes, and a bottle of mineral water. That's all, I think. Let's make the order.

В этом диалоге сначала один из собеседников выражает желание перекусить, затем они обсуждают, куда пойти и что заказать, начиная с супа, переходя к основным блюдам, и, наконец, напиткам. Завершается диалог обсуждением заказа и подтверждением выбора.

ответил 3 месяца назад

  1. I am hungry. I would like to go somewhere to have a snack.
  2. As a matter of fact, I haven't had anything to eat since breakfast. We may go to the cafe.
  3. Do you fancy eating soup?
  4. I'd like to mushroom soup. What about you?
  5. Not me. I want meat salad.
  6. Fish and potatoes, I think.
  7. As for me, I prefer beef with green vegetables.
  8. Yes, let's go there. The prices are reasonable and the choice of dishes is very nice.
  9. Then I'll take the same. Will you order a bottle of fizzy mineral water for both of us?
  10. What about the main course? Would you like meat of fish?
  11. What would you like to drink?
  12. Yes, of course. So, one meat salad, one mushroom soup, beef with vegetables, fish and potatoes, and a bottle of mineral water. That's all, I think. Let's make the order.

ответил 3 месяца назад

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