Откройте скобки в present simple: 1) my brother always( to write) letters to his grandfather in the...

grammar English present simple exercises verb conjugation

Откройте скобки в present simple: 1) my brother always( to write) letters to his grandfather in the evening: 2) Liz usually ( to wash) face and hands at eight o"clock: 3 )we often (to go) for a walk in the park: 4) I usually (to have) dinner at four o"clock: 5) my little sister and i (to like) to play with toys in the evening: 6) She always(to have) supper at seven o"clock: 7) her grandmother often (to go) shopping in the morning: 8) you seldom (to watch) TV in the evening: 9)he usually (to dress) at helf past seven: ПОМОГИТЕ PLEASE!

задан 10 месяцев назад

3 Ответа


1) writes 2) washes 3) go 4) have 5) like 6) has 7) goes 8) watch 9) dresses

ответил 10 месяцев назад

Конечно, помогу вам с примерами на Present Simple! Время Present Simple используется для описания регулярных действий, обычаев и фактов. Форма глагола в Present Simple зависит от лица и числа субъекта: к основной форме глагола добавляется окончание -s или -es в третьем лице единственного числа. Вот как будут выглядеть ваши предложения после раскрытия скобок:

1) My brother always writes letters to his grandfather in the evening. 2) Liz usually washes her face and hands at eight o'clock. 3) We often go for a walk in the park. 4) I usually have dinner at four o'clock. 5) My little sister and I like to play with toys in the evening. 6) She always has supper at seven o'clock. 7) Her grandmother often goes shopping in the morning. 8) You seldom watch TV in the evening. 9) He usually dresses at half past seven.

Заметьте, что в предложениях, где субъектом является третье лицо единственного числа (Liz, my brother, she, her grandmother, he), к глаголу добавляется -s или -es (в зависимости от окончания глагола). В других случаях глагол остаётся в основной форме.

ответил 10 месяцев назад

1) my brother always writes letters to his grandfather in the evening. 2) Liz usually washes her face and hands at eight o'clock. 3) we often go for a walk in the park. 4) I usually have dinner at four o'clock. 5) my little sister and I like to play with toys in the evening. 6) She always has supper at seven o'clock. 7) her grandmother often goes shopping in the morning. 8) you seldom watch TV in the evening. 9) he usually dresses at half past seven.

ответил 10 месяцев назад

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