Раскройте скобки,поставив прилагательные в нужной форме. 1)Which is(deep),Lake Michigane or Lake Superior?...

1) Which is deeper английский язык прилагательные степени сравнения упражнения образование форм прилагательные в сравнении изучение языков английская грамматика.

Раскройте скобки,поставив прилагательные в нужной форме.

1)Which is(deep),Lake Michigane or Lake Superior?

2)I like allmy friends but I think KaTe is (easy) to talk to.

3)Are expensive things much (good) than cheap things?

4)I am sure my dog is the (clever)in my district.

5)The(deep)part of the Pacific Ocean is 11 kilometrs below the sea level.

6)February is the(snowy) andthe (cold) than me.

7)My(old)sister is 5 years(old)than me.

8)He has made(few)mistakes than yesterday.

9)This man is the(important)of all I know.

10)What is the (precious)stone in the world?

11)Everythink is getting(expensive)there days.

12)It's the(interesting) subject I've studied in recent years.

13)This is where Dali painte some of his(famous)pictures.

14)To tell the truth,Paul is not one of my(good)friends.

15)Towns are much(noise)than villages.

задан 11 дней назад

3 Ответа


Чтобы раскрыть скобки и поставить прилагательные в нужной форме, нужно учитывать сравнительные и превосходные степени, а также контекст предложений. Вот как можно исправить каждое предложение:

1) Which is deeper, Lake Michigan or Lake Superior?

  • Здесь используется сравнительная степень для сравнения двух озер.

2) I like all my friends, but I think Kate is easier to talk to.

  • Сравнительная степень используется для сравнения разговора с Кейт и другими друзьями.

3) Are expensive things much better than cheap things?

  • "Good" имеет неправильную сравнительную форму "better".

4) I am sure my dog is the cleverest in my district.

  • Превосходная степень для обозначения самого умного среди всех собак в районе.

5) The deepest part of the Pacific Ocean is 11 kilometers below sea level.

  • Превосходная степень для обозначения самой глубокой части океана.

6) February is the snowiest and the coldest month of the year.

  • Превосходная степень для обозначения самого снежного и холодного месяца.

7) My older sister is 5 years older than me.

  • Сравнительная степень для обозначения возраста в сравнении с говорящим.

8) He has made fewer mistakes than yesterday.

  • Сравнительная степень для обозначения уменьшения количества ошибок.

9) This man is the most important of all I know.

  • Превосходная степень для обозначения самого важного человека среди всех известных.

10) What is the most precious stone in the world?

- Превосходная степень для обозначения самого драгоценного камня.

11) Everything is getting more expensive these days.

- Сравнительная степень для обозначения роста цен.

12) It's the most interesting subject I've studied in recent years.

- Превосходная степень для обозначения наибольшего интереса.

13) This is where Dali painted some of his most famous pictures.

- Превосходная степень для обозначения самых известных картин.

14) To tell the truth, Paul is not one of my best friends.

- "Good" имеет неправильную превосходную форму "best".

15) Towns are much noisier than villages.

- Сравнительная степень для обозначения большего уровня шума в городах по сравнению с деревнями.

ответил 11 дней назад

1) Which is deeper, Lake Michigan or Lake Superior? 2) I like all my friends but I think Kate is easier to talk to. 3) Are expensive things much better than cheap things? 4) I am sure my dog is the cleverest in my district. 5) The deepest part of the Pacific Ocean is 11 kilometers below the sea level. 6) February is the snowiest and the coldest month for me. 7) My older sister is 5 years older than me. 8) He has made fewer mistakes than yesterday. 9) This man is the most important of all I know. 10) What is the most precious stone in the world? 11) Everything is getting more expensive these days. 12) It's the most interesting subject I've studied in recent years. 13) This is where Dali painted some of his most famous pictures. 14) To tell the truth, Paul is not one of my best friends. 15) Towns are much noisier than villages.

ответил 11 дней назад

1) Which is deeper, Lake Michigan or Lake Superior? 2) I like all my friends but I think Kate is easier to talk to. 3) Are expensive things much better than cheap things? 4) I am sure my dog is the cleverest in my district. 5) The deepest part of the Pacific Ocean is 11 kilometers below the sea level. 6) February is the snowiest and the coldest month for me. 7) My older sister is 5 years older than me. 8) He has made fewer mistakes than yesterday. 9) This man is the most important of all I know. 10) What is the most precious stone in the world? 11) Everything is getting more expensive these days. 12) It's the most interesting subject I've studied in recent years. 13) This is where Dali painted some of his most famous pictures. 14) To tell the truth, Paul is not one of my best friends. 15) Towns are much noisier than villages.

ответил 11 дней назад

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