Срочно помогите! СРОЧНО СРОЧНО! срочно What is about Paul Newman, Al Pacino, Robert De Niro and other...

актеры метод актерской игры Ли Страсберг Константин Станиславский Марлон Брандо Роберт Де Ниро Стелла Адлер Мэрилин Монро Группа Театр Новый Йорк история техника фильмы Годфазер II Оскар эмоции персонаж

Срочно помогите! СРОЧНО СРОЧНО! срочно What is about Paul Newman, Al Pacino, Robert De Niro and other great actors that allows them to create a character so vividly and realistically? Why don’t they look as if they are acting? One thing they all have in common is that they use a technique known as method acting. (1)________ It is a way of creating the emotional conditions that a character would experience in real life. An actor playing a prisoner may live in prison to experience the reality. (2) ______ In this article we look at the history of method acting and the people who made it happen. The name ”method acting” came from the Actors Studio and Group Theatre in New York in 1940s and 50s. (3) ______ He was not only a great teacher but he was also very popular with his students. Marylin Monroe, one of his favourite students, left him seventy-five percent of her estate, something that still earns his family millions of dollars each year. (4) ______ Konstantin Stanislavsky was using a similar idea in Russia in the 1890s. Indeed, there was one person who provided a link between the two teachers. Stella Adler worked with Strasberg and taught both Marlon Brando and Robert De Niro. She had also studied under Stanislavsky. Unfortunately, her disagreements with Strasberg eventually led to the Group Theatre breaking up. Their disagreement was over the correct way of teaching method acting. This is one of the main problems with the technique. (5) ______ All of them, however, have one thing in common which is that the actors have to try to identify, in some way, with the character they are playing. The differences in opinion were mainly over whether the actors should use their own experiences to try to understand the character or whether they should approach the character with a completely open mind. Lee Strasberg was able to use his techniques for himself in the film Godfather II. (6) ____ The film was a personal success as Strasberg was nominated for an Oscar for his role. (7) ______ Strasberg died in 1982 but his ideas live on in the performances of some of Hollywood’s greatest stars. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски (1-7) предложениями, обозначенными буквами (A-H). Одно из предложений в списке A-H лишнее. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие предложения, в таблицу. А Strasberg, though, was not the first person to use such techniques. B He didn’t appear in many films himself. C What is that? D There is more than one version of it. E In it, he played an elderly criminal called Hyman Roth. F Many people who became household names were taught there by Lee Strasburg. G One playing a homeless person may live on the street. H One of his students, Al Pacino, also won one for his part in the same film.

задан 7 месяцев назад

2 Ответа


Для того чтобы правильно заполнить пропуски в тексте, нужно внимательно прочитать его и постараться понять, какие предложения логично вписываются в контекст. Давайте разберём каждый пропуск по очереди:

  1. (1) C. What is that?

    • Контекст: Вопрос задает что-то о методе, который используют актёры. "What is that?" (Что это?) логично следует, чтобы объяснить, что такое метод актёрской игры.
  2. (2) G. One playing a homeless person may live on the street.

    • Контекст: Пример метода актёрской игры. Пример о бездомном человеке, который живёт на улице, логично продолжает идею о заключённом.
  3. (3) F. Many people who became household names were taught there by Lee Strasburg.

    • Контекст: Говорится о том, что школа была популярной, и многие известные актёры учились у Ли Страсберга. Это предложение логично завершает мысль.
  4. (4) A. Strasberg, though, was not the first person to use such techniques.

    • Контекст: Переход к упоминанию Константина Станиславского, который использовал подобную технику раньше. Это предложение логично подчеркивает, что Страсберг не был первым.
  5. (5) D. There is more than one version of it.

    • Контекст: Упомянута проблема техники – разногласия по поводу правильного её преподавания. Это предложение логично вписывается, подчеркивая, что существует несколько версий метода.
  6. (6) E. In it, he played an elderly criminal called Hyman Roth.

    • Контекст: Упоминается, что Страсберг использовал свои техники в фильме "Крёстный отец II". Это предложение уточняет его роль в фильме.
  7. (7) H. One of his students, Al Pacino, also won one for his part in the same film.

    • Контекст: Упоминается успех Страсберга, и логично завершающим будет упоминание об успехе его студента Аль Пачино в том же фильме.

Таким образом, правильное распределение предложений выглядит следующим образом:

  1. C
  2. G
  3. F
  4. A
  5. D
  6. E
  7. H

ответил 7 месяцев назад

(1) G (2) A (3) F (4) C (5) D (6) E (7) H

ответил 7 месяцев назад

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