Задание: Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of be allowed to in the affirmative or negative....

запрет разрешение правила формальная речь модальные глаголы подростки алкоголь телевидение свободное время родители

Задание: Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of be allowed to in the affirmative or negative.

  1. You can t walk in that area.

  2. We parents couldnt t go out late when they were young.

  3. My dad could stay up late when he was a teenager.

  4. I can watch TV in my bedroom.

  5. Teenagers can t drink alcohol

задан 9 дней назад

3 Ответа


  1. You are not allowed to walk in that area.
  2. We parents were not allowed to go out late when they were young.
  3. My dad was allowed to stay up late when he was a teenager.
  4. I am allowed to watch TV in my bedroom.
  5. Teenagers are not allowed to drink alcohol.

ответил 9 дней назад

В задании нужно переписать предложения, используя правильную форму "be allowed to" в утвердительной или отрицательной форме. Это выражение используется, чтобы говорить о разрешениях или запретах.

  1. You can't walk in that area.

    • You are not allowed to walk in that area.
  2. We parents couldn't go out late when they were young.

    • We parents were not allowed to go out late when they were young.
  3. My dad could stay up late when he was a teenager.

    • My dad was allowed to stay up late when he was a teenager.
  4. I can watch TV in my bedroom.

    • I am allowed to watch TV in my bedroom.
  5. Teenagers can't drink alcohol.

    • Teenagers are not allowed to drink alcohol.

Обратите внимание на то, что формы "am/is/are allowed to" используются для настоящего времени, а "was/were allowed to" — для прошедшего. "Not allowed to" указывает на запрет, тогда как "allowed to" — на разрешение.

ответил 9 дней назад

  1. You are not allowed to walk in that area.
  2. We parents were not allowed to go out late when they were young.
  3. My dad was allowed to stay up late when he was a teenager.
  4. I am allowed to watch TV in my bedroom.
  5. Teenagers are not allowed to drink alcohol.

ответил 9 дней назад

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