Заполните пропуски предлогами и наречиями, где это необходимо,
- Though the watch was very expensive, he decided to buy it. her. 2. Please buy . me some bread and sugar, will you? 3. 1 wonder whether the old man will sell all his pictures . the museum. 4. The man didn’t sell his pictures . the museum, he just„gave them away without taking any money . them. 5. Though the shoes were her size and felt very comfortable, old Sally decided not to buy them because she thought they were too dear . her. “I can’l pay so much . a pair . shoes”, she said . the shop-assi stant. 6. Won’t you have another look . these shoes?
1 think it’s just the pair . you. 7. He looked . all the tele grams quickly, gave them . the secretary ['sekratri] tc send off and also asked her to ring . Mr Brown and tell . him that he could come . 10 if the time was suitable . him. 8. “Would you like to buy any . these watches?’ "No, I’m just looking .” 9. “Excuse me, how do I get. the bookshop?" “It’s . there the right”. 10. Will you please ask that man what time it is . his watch. I’m afraid mine is . five or six minutes slow.